Our mission is to promote the green industries in Minnesota through support of research, education and outreach at the University of Minnesota and elsewhere.
Who We Are - Green industry professionals belonging to one of our Allied Associations: Minnesota Association of Cemeteries (MAC), Minnesota Park and Sports Turf Managers Association (MPSTMA), Minnesota Turf Association (MTA), Minnesota Golf Course Superintendents Association (MGCSA), Minnesota Society of Arboriculture (MSA), Minnesota Facility Management Professionals (MASMS), Minnesota Turf Seed Council (MTSC) and the University of Minnesota.
Allied Associations are committed to providing safe, attractive and functional landscape and recreational areas that enhance Minnesota's quality of life in an environmentally sustainable manner.
Foundation Values:
The MTGF is committed to supporting research, education and outreach programs, particularly those of the University of Minnesota, dedicated to creating, maintaining and enriching the careers of Minnesota's green industry professionals.
The MTGF is committed to the education and training of Allied Association members as well as other green industry professionals that contribute positively to Minnesota's economy and quality of life through well managed green spaces and water resources, safe and functional recreation areas, preservation of natural habitats of both plant and animals, and increased opportunities for interesting and diverse tourism venues.
The MTGF believes that knowledgeable, well trained Allied Association members, as well as other green industry professionals, contribute positively to the protection and enrichment of Minnesota's developed and natural landscapes utilizing environmentally sound maintenance practices, especially the application of fertilizers and pesticides, and selection and use of well-adapted, past resistant, non-invasive plant materials.